Always turn off the Windows Firewall and all other firewalls! So crossover Lan cable from the Xbox to the PC and a Lan cable from the PC to the router, or the modem. Then check under your router control if you have a permanent connection. Router control can be an icon on the desktop, or can also be found in Internet Explorer, usually at or For a detailed explanation check out the tutorial at

Switch off the permanent connection

Now close everything until you are on the desktop. Then click on Start->Control Panel at the bottom left. Now you are in the Control Panel, and select the menu item Network and Sharing Center, also called Network Environment in some cases. It’s just something people with a permanent connection have to do!

Here you click on exactly the same as above, only this time connect to the workstation or as on the pictures!

Network bridge

Go back to the network management, and show network connections (links in the bar). Then on the two LAN connections (one is the cabling Xbox in PC and the other PC in modem router) mark and with right click:bridge connection. So now you have a network bridge! Then the tab on the far right under Properties and a check mark at Connection allow to be used multiple times.


  • First, double-click on the broadband connection and connect it
  • Then connect the VPN
  • Now all you have to do is turn on the box and you are online and can download whatever you want
  • But first you need the following: Go to the hideway page and create a free 2 day account
  • To do so, go to the page under Order, and then: Free trial access
  • Enter your data here.a test account is only valid every 90 days
  • If you have done so, you will receive an email after your call or text message

In this mail you will find your username and password. If you have noted both, go to the customer area under customer service. Here you will be asked for your username and password.

When you’re in, turn left on Key Pack. There you can see which Vista you have. If you know your version, you can download it. Now it’s time for the video! Read it all here!

  1. Now go to Start on Network
  2. At the top of the bar you will find Network and Sharing Center
  3. Click on it and then on Manage network connections
  4. In my case the lan connection is 3. right click on it and then on Properties
  5. There on Internet Protocol Verison 4

Now you are ready on your PC

Now you login to Xbox.your profile and you are not connected to Live, then you press Guide, 2 times right on profile and deactivate the login to Messenger.if necessary also logout from profile, if it is a German one! You can choose to disable Messenger and Xbox Live’s auto-enable feature, now log in with a foreign profile (preferably where you have points), then play the same game with auto-enable in Live and disable in Messenger.

Then go to the 360 item My Xbox and then to the right to Control Panel.there first to console settings, and there to region, set this to Austria and language German.

At the PC again

  • Here’s what you do on the PC
  • Install the downloaded program on your desktop
  • After installation, you will get OpenGUI
  • Right click on it and select Run as administrator
  • Now a new icon appears in the lower right corner of the task bar, right click on it and then click on Connect

Almost done

So now turn on Xbox, foreign account is loaded and connected. Now you are no longer German, and you can download what you want! When you’re done, undo everything! If it’s urgent, write to me in Xbox Live and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have fun with the content, and to a flawless setup!

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